Так ми тестували Кодекс 2.0. на уроках впродовж листопада-грудня 2015 року

8796_162469207443577_7988366633526070469_n 702982_1529288150717319_756846181_n 10660541_1529288190717315_8836360_n 10660670_1539817469671361_738165871_n 12346470_162471350776696_5740899259354810819_n 12404718_1534199060225036_36580988_o 12405189_1534203486891260_1891078115_o 12413851_1529288220717312_1133030741_o 12414058_1534203023557973_1541673035_o 12414125_1534203036891305_423955867_o 12432616_1529288210717313_1313127547_o 12432729_1534203033557972_424539622_o 12432815_1529288170717317_1453701500_o 12432902_1534199056891703_1094385793_o 12434727_1539817446338030_2055089766_n 12435751_1539817629671345_227519022_n CIMG0590 CIMG0604 CIMG0606 CIMG0608 CIMG0609 CIMG0610 DSCN3973_01 DSCN3976_01 DSCN3981_01

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4s коментарів

  1. majawrzos

    My dear friends!
    I am so impressed with the pictures that you put online. You are doing an amazing job in the program and I really like what you are doing. From the photos I can see only happy faces so the students from your school must be happy about it. I know that sometimes we can get scared because the students use tablets and smartphones during our lesson and we are not sure if they are using it in educational purposes. I was always scared about it. But setting good rules and obeying them gives positive results. Please do remember to check each year if the rules are still proper for your school – a lot can change in one year and (as I can see it in the pictures) – you can do a lot so next year you can become even more successful.
    I wish you a lot of interesting projects, and good luck – i will be reading!

    1. Світлана Дячок

      Дякуємо за щирі слова!!! Ваша похвала зараз – наші успіхи в майбутньому!!!


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